Welcome to NeSEO

At NeSEO we have been providing Digital Marketing and SEO services for the past decade.

We are conveniently located in the heart of the UK in Northampton town centre. 

We know how to run brilliant organic SEO campaigns that dispense with the need to spend a fortune on Google Adwords and instead focus on driving highly relevant traffic to your website, consistently.

You can achieve page one listings on Google for the search terms that matter to you and your audience. With our services we will help you to get there and then ensure you’re not overtaken by the competition.

We also provide a fully managed SEO service should you not have the resources to do this in-house. We believe that given how many in-house SEO campaigns ultimately fail to produce satisfactory results, this is something you really should leave in the hands of the professionals.

We have spent years taking control of SEO campaigns for businesses in a variety of industries throughout Northamptonshire, and our fully managed SEO service will give you one less thing to worry about and one extra thing to celebrate as the leads come flooding in.




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Latest news

Don’t forget your keyword research!

The success of any website comes down to its keywords – it’s that simple! Yet still so many business owners don’t give keyword research the time or resource that it needs.

July 08, 2024

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Are alt tags still relevant?

When optimising your website for better visibility, your meta data plays a crucial role.

June 10, 2024

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The dangers of link building

Like any strategy in the world of digital marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO) only provides results when done right, and this couldn’t be truer when undertaking one longstanding tactic in particular.

May 10, 2024

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Want to know more about our SEO services?

Then get in touch with us today for more information on how we can help you to grow your website with our SEO services. 

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